Always On Green Home

Mini-splits are an ideal air conditioning (AC) solution for homes, as they are ductless and efficient. Installing a mini-split AC system in your home can help you remain comfortable in any climate. Since they come in multiple sizes depending on customer requirements, our guide will provide helpful pointers in determining the best size of mini-split to suit your specific needs.

Begin your search with the sizes listed below and adjust as necessary.

First, Size Doesn’t Always Matter

Don’t assume that the bigger the mini-split system, the better it will be for your home. You should consider any improvements you’ve made to your home and make sure your ventilation system is up to par before investing in a mini-split system. It’s best to hire professional HVAC technicians to do a manual J-load calculation to determine the size of the air conditioning system your home needs.

If your mini-split AC is too large for the space, it will cool the area quickly but will not effectively remove excess moisture from the air. This can lead to your home feeling damp and chilly, as well as potentially allowing the growth of mold. Additionally, it won’t be able to dissipate the latent heat in the home properly.

Second, Size Properly

Mini-split heat ACs are a great way to provide climate control to a single room. It works similarly to a traditional air conditioner but without requiring ducts. This makes it a convenient and efficient way to keep a room comfortable.

These procedures should help you size properly:

  • To calculate the area of the room in square feet, you need to multiply the length and width of the room together. The result of this multiplication will be the area of the room square feet.
  • To calculate the suggested BTU capacity for a mini-split, multiply the area of the room by 25.

Consider these additional factors, too:

  • Number of inhabitants in a room.
  • Building’s or home’s insulation.
  • Room orientation.

Third, Quantify Appropriately

Depending on the size of your home, you may need to install multiple indoor units to ensure that all rooms are adequately heated and cooled. For instance, if you have four or more rooms in your house, installing a multi-zone system can ensure each room has its indoor unit connected to one condenser unit. This system allows you to control the temperature of each room individually, giving you maximum control over your home’s climate.

Can you cool an entire house with a mini-split AC? Absolutely, as long the appropriate system size is utilized.

Fourth, Remember These Rules of Thumb

A standard one-ton mini-split HVAC unit can cool up to 1,000 sq. ft. of residential space and measures 37 x 36 x 19 inches, and weighs around 100 pounds. It has 12,000 BTU per hour of cooling capacity.

On the other hand, a 2-ton mini-split with 24,000 BTU can heat a 1,000 sq. ft. home in winter or cool a 1,500 sq. ft. home in summer.

Mini-splits with 34,000 BTU per hour energy capacity are recommended for large spaces of up to 1,000 square feet, such as spa salons, restaurants, and stores. These are sufficient to heat or cool multiple offices.

In Closing

Mini-splits come in a range of sizes and BTU ratings. However, the type of material used to construct the walls of your building will also affect how much BTU output is necessary to cool or heat the space effectively. Always consult with an HVAC expert for the right kind of system.

Contact Always On Green Home Today for Residential or Commercial HVAC Systems

With over 20 years of experience, Always On Green Home provides quality solutions for residential and commercial clients at competitive prices. Find out what mini-split AC in Brooklyn best suits your space by calling us at (917) 416-3062!