Always On Green Home

Know the Truth Debunking 5 Myths about Ductless Mini-Splits

Ductless mini-splits are becoming increasingly popular in homes and businesses across the world. These HVAC systems are energy-efficient and provide zoned heating and cooling, making them an excellent alternative to traditional central air conditioning systems. However, despite their many benefits, there are still some myths surrounding ductless mini-splits that need to be debunked. Here are […]

How to Know When Your Furnace Blower Motor Is Beyond Repair

The furnace blower motor is an essential component of your furnace, which helps circulate warm air throughout your home. When the motor fails, it can completely break down your heating system. In some cases, a furnace blower motor can be repaired, but in other cases, replacement is necessary. Here are some signs that your furnace […]

Tips on Making Your Air Conditioner More Efficient

As temperatures rise, air conditioning units become a necessity. However, using a lot of electricity to keep cool can be expensive. Air conditioners can account for a significant portion of a household’s energy use. Fortunately, there are ways to increase the efficiency of your air conditioner and reduce your energy bills. Here are some tips […]

Mini-Split ACs A Guide to Benefits and How They Work

Mini split ACs are an increasingly popular way to cool your home or office. The mini split AC is a type of air conditioning system that utilizes an outdoor compressor/condenser unit and one or more indoor air handlers. They are ideal for cooling smaller areas, such as individual rooms in a home, or for zoned […]

Benefits of Ductless Mini-Split HVAC Systems An Overview

Heating, ventilation, and air conditioning (HVAC) systems are integral to many homes, offices, and commercial buildings. HVAC systems help regulate indoor temperature, humidity, and air quality, ensuring comfort and health for occupants. Traditional HVAC systems use ducts to circulate heated or cooled air throughout the building, but ductless mini-split systems have gained popularity in recent […]

5 Chilling Signs of HVAC Failure and How to Spot Them

The heating, ventilation, and air conditioning (HVAC) system is a crucial component of any home, especially in areas with extreme weather conditions. It’s responsible for maintaining a comfortable indoor temperature and regulating air quality by filtering out contaminants and ensuring proper ventilation. A well-maintained HVAC system can operate efficiently for many years, but there is […]

Why Ductless AC Systems Are Perfect for Older Homes

A ductless air conditioner is an efficient way to cool your home without requiring ductwork. This type of system uses a compressor and refrigerant coils to cool your living space, which can be installed in any room where you need it. Ductless AC units are especially beneficial for older homes because they don’t require any […]

The Benefits of Installing a Ductless Mini Split in a Tiny Home

If you live in a tiny home, you may seek ways to maximize your living space. Installing a ductless mini-split system is one of the best investments in your tiny home. These systems benefit tiny homeowners, including increased comfort, improved energy efficiency, and more flexible temperature control. Here are some benefits of installing a ductless […]

Multi-Zone Mini Split Systems – Are They Worth the Switch

As homeowners become more aware of the benefits of energy-efficient and cost-effective cooling and heating systems, there has been a significant increase in households switching to multi-zone split systems. This is mainly because these systems let them control the temperature in each room or zone, allowing them to customize their cooling and heating needs to […]

Maintenance Tips to Prolong the Life of Your Mini Split AC

Mini split air conditioning units have become popular for homeowners and businesses because of their energy efficiency and convenience. However, like other appliances, they require proper maintenance to ensure they operate efficiently and last longer. In this article, we will discuss the differences between mini-split and traditional ACs and maintenance tips that can help prolong […]